
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Despite feuding fathers, sons of Najib and Dr M keep it cool

Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak may be on a political warpath against each other, but that is no reason for their children to abandon civility.
Taking to Facebook, Mohd Nazifuddin Najib shared a photograph he took with Mirzan Mahathir.
"Even though our political ideologies are different, but for the sake of sports, we are one," he said.
Nazifuddin, who is the Olympic Council of Malaysia vice-president, described the encounter as "fun".
Mirzan, meanwhile, serves as the president of the Lawn Tennis Association of Malaysia.
On Friday, Nazifuddin had announced that he was temporarily "stepping out" of politics.
"I love Malaysia because it was born out of Umno's struggle. Umno was born out of the people's support. I have never, and will never, go against the Umno leadership that helms the country.
"With this, I announce that I am stepping out of the political arena for the time being, until it is time again for me to start participating in Umno," he had said.
Mahathir, who was prime minister for 22 years until 2003, is now aligned with the opposition.
Leading Pakatan Harapan, he has vowed to unseat Najib, whom he has accused of corruption.
Najib has denied wrongdoing or taking public funds for personal gain, and instead accused Mahathir of wanting to install one of his sons as prime minister. -Mkini

1 comment:

    Salam sejahterah bagi kita semua...
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