
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Hadi zooms on bishop urging change, makes GE14 challenge

GE14 | PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has zoomed in on comments by a Christian leader calling on their community to pray for change in the 14th general election and went on to issue a challenge to priests to contest in the upcoming polls.
In a comment piece published on PAS organ Harakahdaily, Hadi started off by highlighting two circulars issued by the Bishop of Malacca-Johor Diocese, Rev Bernard Paul.
After reproducing a translated version of the bishop's circular, Hadi then quoted Ali Abi Talib, the son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad, which read: "The speech appears to speak the truth but its intent is falsehood and evil" (Ucapan pada zahirnya satukebenaranpadahal tujuannya kebatilan dan kejahatan).
Paul, in his first circular dated April 10, shared a prayer for "God's intervention and for change in our beloved country at the coming GE14".
In another circular dated April 11, Paul said: "The countdown has begun. The D-day is the May 9, 2018. Some call this the Second Independence Movement of the nation.
"Once we freed ourselves from the colonial rule; now we are labouring to free ourselves from oppressive demoralising 'deadwoods', who lie to themselves, that they 'mendahulukan rakyat' (put the people first)".
While it appeared that the bishop's "deadwoods" reference was aimed at the BN-led government whose slogan is "People First, Performance Now", Hadi seemed to interpret it as belittling the Malay rulers.
"We can read the implied meaning from the statement which is to sideline Islam from the Federal Constitution and belittle the rulers who are the head of religion and were likened to deadwood," he said.
Hadi also quoted from the Quran and Bible, claiming that the church protected secular parties and the colonial legacy.
One such party Hadi claimed was the DAP, which he said helped embolden it to unravel the Federal Constitution, lower the position of Islam and weaken the institution of the constitutional monarchy.
Hadi then highlighted that Muslim religious leaders, under the banner of PAS, are contesting the 14th general election and challenged Christian leaders to do the same.
"If the PAS ulama in their robes and turban can enter the electoral field to become candidates, then I challenge them to also jump into the political field with their chosen party without the need to take off their priest robes," he said.
Hadi said the alleged attempt to sideline and weaken Islam must be fought against at all cost.
He said PAS' struggle is a peaceful one based on democracy and respect amongst diverse communities.
Hadi's complete comment piece, titled: "Sweet words that are poisonous", can be read here. - Mkini

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