
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 13, 2018

It Is Now Down To Wan Azizah As PKR’s PM

When Mahathir proposed that since PPBM has been deregistered and Pakatan Harapan cannot get registered they will use PKR, and that PPBM, DAP and PAN will all contest under PKR, Kit Siang very quickly agreed. Without PPBM and Pakatan Harapan, they no longer need to nominate Mahathir as Prime Minister. The Prime Minister will have to be Wan Azizah and that suits Kit Siang and DAP just fine.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Dr Wong Chin Huat, head of the political studies programme at Penang Institute, wrote as follows:
Compared to 2013, the opposition has only one advantage: Mahathir, who never lost any single political battle after 1969. Mahathir leading Pakatan Harapan has fuelled speculation that a Malay tsunami will occur, but there hasn’t been any conclusive evidence of this.
Some would even flatly dismiss such a possibility, predicting that Harapan will come in third in terms of Malay support, after Umno and PAS, believing that Malay politics remains stuck in an Umno-PAS dichotomy.

Mahathir has failed to deliver the Malay Tsunami, says DAP’s ‘brains’

For the first time since 2013 someone has spoken using logic and not using blind emotions. The popular psychological warfare (psywar) spin is that the 2008 and 2013 general elections were about a Chinese Tsunami and 2018 is going to complete the extinction of Umno and Barisan Nasional with a Malay Tsunami.
The ‘brains’ in DAP do not think so. It might have happened, and I say ‘might’, had PPBM not been deregistered and had Pakatan Harapan been legally registered. But now PPBM no longer exists and Pakatan Harapan is not going to even be born, at least not before 9th May 2018.
So now GE14 has been reduced to a three-corner contest between Barisan Nasional, PKR and PAS. And that means Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad no longer needs to be nominated as Pakatan Harapan’s Prime Minister-in-waiting for five reasons.

GE14 is now a three-corner fight with Dr Wan Azizah as PKR’s Prime Minister-in-waiting

First: Pakatan Harapan does not exist and Mahathir is NOT the Chairman of Pakatan Harapan.
Second: PPBM also no longer exists and Mahathir is no longer its party Chairman — or Chairman of any political party for that matter.
Third: Mahathir is not physically and mentally fit enough to become Prime Minister.
Fourth: the only reason they agreed to Mahathir becoming ‘Top Dog’ of Pakatan Harapan, to quote Mahathir himself, is so that he, through PPBM, can bring in the Malay votes, which even the brains in DAP say is not happening.
Fifth: It will be Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and not Mahathir or Lim Kit Siang who will be signing all the Surat Watikah of the PKR candidates.

PKR members oppose Mahathir’s use of PKR’s flag while DAP members oppose DAP’s use of PKR’s flag

So Mahathir is a non-starter of mega proportions. And that means DAP has been reduced to Wan Azizah, with Azmin Ali as her running mate, if the unofficial and unregistered Pakatan Harapan, meaning in short PKR, wins the general election on 9th May 2018.
But then it is Mahathir who is doing all the talking and the campaigning, in spite of recently being admitted into hospital — the 48th time in three years — and in spite of most times being blur about what to say.
Where is Wan Azizah, the President of the party that is supposed to play host to DAP, PPBM and PAN? She is acting like she is not even involved in the general election or as if she is not the leader of PKR. And on those rare occasions when she does speak, she does not seem to know what is going on.

In 2008 and 2013 it was a vote for PAS is a vote for DAP and now it is a vote for PKR is a vote for DAP

Having Mahathir as the opposition’s choice of Prime Minister is a most scary proposition. Having Wan Azizah as the opposition’s choice of Prime Minister is ten times scarier. It would be most cruel to call her a bimbo, but in America that is precisely what they would call her.
But then this is exactly what Kit Siang and DAP want. Mahathir may be old and senile, but he still has a mind of his own and once he is in power he will not take orders from either Kit Siang or DAP.  And Kit Siang knows that. Wan Azizah, however, can be manipulated and she confessed in 2014 that she does not mind being a puppet. And that is what Kit Siang and DAP want: a puppet Prime Minister.
But does Wan Azizah even know what is going on? She cannot even settle the PKR candidates list because she is so paranoid that Azmin Ali may place all his people as candidates and she will become isolated. She fears Mahathir and she fears Azmin even more. So she is going to be very dependent on DAP to stay alive and will do anything that DAP says for self-preservation reasons.

Wan Azizah does even know whether she is coming or going and will need DAP for self-preservation and survival, which suits Kit Siang just fine

When Mahathir proposed that since PPBM has been deregistered and Pakatan Harapan cannot get registered they will use PKR, and that PPBM, DAP and PAN will all contest under PKR, Kit Siang very quickly agreed. Without PPBM and Pakatan Harapan, they no longer need to nominate Mahathir as Prime Minister. The Prime Minister will have to be Wan Azizah and that suits Kit Siang and DAP just fine.
How the tables have turned and Mahathir does not even realise he is no longer needed. And even if he wins his seat, Mahathir will be just a Wakil Rakyat biasa. And DAP will have a puppet Prime Minister who does not even know whether she is coming or going and clings to DAP like a baby monkey to its mother because her Deputy, Azmin, is snapping at her heels.

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