
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 10, 2018


We are heading into the most challenging General Election in the 61-year history of the nation – the 14th General Election.
One of the questions to be decided will be whether there will be six tsunamis in the 14th General Election to establish a new Pakatan Harapan Government in Putrajaya to restore the Malaysian Dream of all Malaysians down the decades?
There was a political tsunami in the urban areas in the last two general elections, which denied the UMNO/Barisan Nasional coalition its unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority and in 2013, deprived Datuk Seri Najib Razak of majority popular support – but because of gerrymandering and unfair democratic practices, it was not enough to bring about the first peaceful and democratic change of Federal Government in Putrajaya.
I hope to see six political tsunamis in the 14th General Election: 1. Urban Tsunami; 2. Rural Tsunami; 3. Sabah Tsunami; 4. Sarawak Tsunami; 5. Women Tsunami; and 6. Youth Tsunami.
The decision of the DAP leadership to use a Pakatan Harapan common logo in Peninsula Malaysia in the 14GE, and not the Rocket logo which had been used in the past five decades, is a game-changer for the 14th GE.
Nobody in DAP is happy that the Rocket symbol will not be on the ballot paper in the 14GE in Peninsular Malaysia, as the Rocket symbol will only fly and soar in Sabah and Sarawak in the 14GE.
This had been a very hard and heart-wrenching decision, and several DAP leaders had shed tears over it – testimony of how deep and dear the Rocket symbol is to DAP leaders, members and supporters in the valiant fight for justice and freedom in Malaysia in the past few decades.
I myself had used the Rocket symbol in 11 General Elections and one by-election since 1968.
The decision not to use the Rocket symbol but a common logo of Pakatan Harapan – PKR’s blue eye symbol – in the 14GE is both a supreme sacrifice and strategy to send out the important message, particularly to the 3.6 million UMNO members and one million PAS members, that the time has come for everyone in Malaysia, particularly in Peninsular Malaysia, to rise above race, religion, region or even political party to vote solidly as one Malaysian people to Save Malaysia from hurtling along the trajectory of a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state.
In taking this critical decision, the DAP Central Executive Committee has not and will not betray the DAP objectives and principles, but enable the Rocket spirit to soar even higher to fulfill the Malaysian Dream of Malaysians down the decades!
DAP is accused of being peninsular party in Sabah and Sarawak, but with the Rocket only to be seen in Sabah and Sarawak, it would appear that DAP has become a Sabah/Sarawak-based political party!
Malaysia has failed to live up to the Malaysian Dream, and instead of being a show-case to the world of an united, harmonious, successful, progressive and prosperous nation created out of the best of the diverse races, languages, religions and cultures that meet in confluence in Malaysia, we are scorned and mocked by the whole world as a rogue state and a global kleptocracy.
The 14GE is the last opportunity for Malaysians to tell the whole world that they do not want Malaysia to become a global kleptocracy.
We want to have a great Prime Minister who is held in high esteem, respected and admired by the world and not one who is scorned and looked askance by the world as a rogue democrat and global kleptocrat.
We want a great Parliament which would jealously safeguard the good name of Malaysia and not allow it to be stained and tarred by the 3Is – infamy, ignominy and iniquity – of the 1MDB scandal and the nomenclature of a global kleptocracy; which would have done everything possible to safeguard, cleanse or purge Malaysia’s of the epithet of global kleptocracy by allowing questions and debates on the 1MDB scandal instead of banning it on the most ridiculous grounds; and which would not treat Members of Parliament of the Opposition with contempt by regarding them as “transparent” as if they have become a “parliamentary ghost” whom the Speaker and Deputy Speakers cannot see, although I have been attending Parliament daily and diligently for the last six sittings of Parliament.
We want a great Judiciary and a great justice system – and as I said in Sandakan last night, where Malaysians know why Sabahan Tan Sri Richard Malanjum is not Chief Justice of Malaysia and why the first Sabahan to be made Attorney-General had been summarily sacked from his office in July 2015!
How can Malaysia be great again under Barisan Nasional when the Barisan Nasional is responsible for Malaysia’s fall from greatness.
Only a Pakatan Harapan Federal Government can make Malaysia great again!
If Pakatan Harapan wins the 14th General Election, it will also see the final playing out of the RAHMAN prediction, that the first six Prime Ministers of Malaysia will follow its alphabetical order – with Tunku Abdul Rahman as the first Prime Minister, followed by Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Abdullah Badawi and Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
With the RAHMAN prediction running its course in the 14GE, it may be replaced by a second prediction of MAHATHIR for the next eight Prime Ministers of Malaysia
The first two alphabets of this prediction will be fulfilled if the Pakatan Harapan replaces UMNO/Barisan Nasional as the new Malaysian Government in Putrajaya in the 14th General Election.
This is because Pakatan Harapan has decided that Tun Mahathir Mohamad be the seventh Prime Minister while Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would be the eighth Prime Minister – fulfilling the M and A in the second MAHATHIR prediction on the second series of Prime Ministers of Malaysia.
Whether the six Prime Ministers after Anwar will fit the second MAHATHIR prediction only time will tell.
(Speech at the Special DAP national delegates meeting on the Pakatan Harapan common logo held at PJ Civic Hall on Monday, 9th April 2018 at 11 pm)

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