
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Yoursay: But compared to MO1, Shahrizat not so tainted

YOURSAY | 'Despite the many scandals, they still have audacity to stand for elections.'
Trueglitter: Without a shadow of a doubt, MCA has been dealt an inglorious blow, with its long-held constituency Bandar Tun Razak now being abruptly taken away by its Umno master.
The loss of the seat to Umno by MCA is a regrettable demonstration of an abject absence of influence and authority which previous MCA leadership had once commanded, which is now glaringly non-existent under the current leadership of Liow and his deputy, Wee.
To add insult to injury, Umno's candidate Shahrizat Abdul Jalil is tainted with the scandal involving a RM250 million loan to her family members for the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) cow-rearing project.
The said scandal has yet to be cleansed, and despite the obvious embarrassment that it has brought to the party, BN president Najib Razak has defied all odds and has stoically stood beside her for reasons best known to himself. 
However, we can take comfort that the constituents of Bandar Tun Razak are better educated and more informed than their rural brothers and sisters.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Shuffling a deck of jokers in the pack won’t make a difference. The rakyat know what they are all about. But what an insult to MCA.
Their candidate was replaced by a tainted Umno Wanita chief whose reputation is in the mud. Which means, in the eyes of Umno, MCA’s chances are zilch.
Vijay47: Welcome back to national politics, Shahrizat, you were always destined for greater things than leadership of a mere herd of Umno women.
I am touched that you have responded to the call of the blue when Umno most needs you – the hour is now, the person is you. You represent the spirit of BN, you are the soul of Umno.
Just to digress a little, I am surprised that Bandar Tun Razak Umno chief Rizalman Mokhtar appears to have been dropped, he seemed to have all the hallmarks of a good assistant to Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz, what with his intimate knowledge of pastimes and places of interests that visitors might enjoy when the sun has set.
Anyway, his exclusion confirms that like kopi tarik, the sabotage on him had a local Umno flavour.
But back to you, Shahrizat. I am afraid I have to close on bad news – while you may be a welcome sight to the poor Umno folks in Bandar Tun Razak, you are going to be wiped out, annihilated, slaughtered at the election.
Why, let alone a cow, I think you would lose even to a buffalo.
Middle Path: Despite all the scandals involving Umno leaders, they still have the audacity to stand for elections time and again, trying to hoodwink the voters into voting for them again.
Honestly, what has Bolehland come to?
Not Convinced: Shahrizat would probably tell Malaysian Official 1 (MO1), “I may be tainted, but not as tainted as you.
“You have a RM2.6 billion problem. Mine involved only RM250 million. If you can run, so can I.”
P Dev Anand Pillai: We are probably one of the few countries in the world where scandal-tainted politicians who can't explain the money trail leading to them or their kin can be continuously put up as leading candidates in recurring elections.
Basically, it is a message to the people saying they simply don't care what you think of them because they (the politicians) always think the people are fools that can be cheated continuously.
Wake up people, don't remain fools for the rest of your lives.
Ipoh PP: We accept totally that Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) is doing a great job to help the poor. However, the country in is dire straits now and everyone has to sacrifice.
Even Dr Mahathir Mohamad at 92 is doing his part. So PSM leaders like S Arutchelvan, D Jeyakumar and the rest need to do the country a service now. Stay out of the polls.
Let it be a straight fight between the BN and Pakatan Harapan. Your sacrifice will be recognised by the new government. Please don't split the votes.
Anonymous #13571680: Instead of asking PSM to stay out, why can’t Harapan accommodate them in their coalition, or if they can’t, at least have an understanding with them and let them contest four to five seats. I am sure they will work with you after the election.
I feel that is the way to go. They are not asking for many seats. You cannot ask them not to contest. It is their right in a democratic country.
Existential Turd: As Harapan and its supporters are adopting mainstream political narratives (Malay supremacy, etc), PSM is the only party that still holds true to its conscience. We must not let this fire go out in Malaysian politics.
Snuffing out PSM will truly be the end of Malaysia. It is undemocratic to prevent any party from contesting, for whatever reason.
Preventing them from contesting is tantamount to denying the people their choice. It is no different from the various obstacles put up by the BN government.
Let the people decide. Why blame PSM for splitting votes but not Harapan? Isn't it hypocritical?  Supporters of Harapan are behaving exactly like BN's supporters. They do not see their own blinkers.
It is because of this reason I am very pessimistic about Malaysia's future.
Anticommunalist: Harapan must accept PSM. There are no two ways about it. By blocking their participation, it will be similar to removing working-class voters out of the equation of Malaysia's democracy.
Forcing them to give way will lend suspicion that Harapan will not want any pesky opposition to how they will deal with the working class needs in the future.

Anonymous_3e06: Arutchelvan, I admire you and the party's stand. The time will come, not now but it’s certainly on the horizon. People will see what this party stands for. - Mkini

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