
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Yoursay: Extremely rare for Mahathir to eat humble pie

YOURSAY | ‘He didn’t even apologise to Anwar, and yet they’re now on the same side.’
Abasir: Pakatan Harapan chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s apology should ease the hurt felt by those who consider the term derogatory.
Instead of losing the momentum, will they now launch a national campaign to somehow excise – like they do a bothersome cyst – the offending word from the minds and memories of all Malaysians. Maybe that could be an addendum to the manifestos, no?
Don't sweat the small stuff. There are many more serious aggravations like the sorry state of semi-literate, stateless Indians even after 60 years of independence, and the opulent lifestyles of their MIC mandors.
Vijay47: I expect that MIC treasurer-general S Vell Paari and friends, having now resolved the terrible insult that was cast against Indian Malaysians, would now attend to the remaining chores of their mission.
They should work firmly for the removal of names of local places like Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling in Penang, and Tanjung Kling in Malacca which have caused untold distress to a proud community.
I hope that slight differences in spelling do not distract them from their sacred objective and should the government refuse to comply, they should all go on an indefinite hunger strike.
Anonymous 459: Mahathir didn’t even apologise in public for what he did to de factoopposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, and yet they are now on the same side.
But he has to apologise to the Indian Malaysian community. Had he not done so, he would have lost many votes.
Anonymous_7677e9a0: Dr M, we respect you for the apology. You did what you felt was correct in this instance.
As for the past, however, you would probably never have dreamed that all the safeguards in governance you loosened have now backfired. May God give you strength and good health to undo all your damage.
Worried Sick: So now, can we get on by concentrating on the election?
A 92-year-old man's use of just one word said in the heat of the moment, which was followed up by today’s apology, should not be an excuse to give up on the fight for a corruption-free Malaysia.
That would be too petty and a disservice to our children.
Anonymous_dbc139d6: Thank you, Mahathir, for putting this issue to rest. Harapan can now move forward on their quest to catch a thief.
Cari Pasal: Wow, it is super difficult for Mahathir to apologise for his mistakes, but he has just done it.
What’s next, Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) revealing that he transferred money from 1MDB into his account?
Anonymous_b3cdcd05: Former Bersih coordinator Ambiga Sreenevasan’s advice to Mahathir is timely and appropriate. Though Mahathir has explained his reasons, it is only proper he refrains from using the term 'keling' as Indian Malaysians are sensitive to the word.
If it would make Vell Paari feel any better, Mahathir could have used the 'keling' word inadvertently more out of his ancestral affinity with the Indians rather than as a racial slur, as the former made it out to be.
And before slamming others as ‘racist’, Vell Paari must look at his own three fingers pointing back at him in his race-based MIC.
He forgets his roots. He forgets his culture. He forgets that his father served this man faithfully for more than two decades, and his own position in MIC today may in one way or another be linked to that affiliation.
Jasper: I really don’t understand the fuss. Any word can be derogatory if it is used in a derogatory manner. I am not offended by Mahathir’s use of the word because of the manner in which it was used, and also because I myself am proud to be a “keling”.
Instead, think back on how Mahathir used of “pendekar Bugis” (Bugis warrior). I think I would be hurt if he called me that.
Power Star: Well done, Ambiga, for having the guts to tell off Mahathir when he is wrong.
Will Hindraf’s P Wathyamoorthy and DAP’s P Ramasamy also speak out? Or will they keep silent, since Mahathir is their leader now?
David Dass: “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.” Clearly the term might have been acceptable at one time, but not at this time.
And reading the many comments on the subject, it is clear that when members of one community speak to each other, words are used that reference other communities which would be racist and hurtful.
So one should be cautious about using terms that are no longer acceptable in public discourse. Better still that these words disappear from private use as well.
But in the case of Mahathir and his use of the 'K-word’ one must see the context in which it was used. Mahathir's grandfather was Indian. He has been derided for his Indian roots. He used the Tamil expression “podah” (get lost) to contemptuously dismiss the actions of the EC and the Registrar of Societies (ROS).
It was an effective use of a term understood by many Malaysians. Do not overreact to it. There are bigger issues at stake. Do not fail to see the forest for the trees. Let not your preoccupation with small things blind you to the bigger picture.
CQ MuarKu: Much as I would like to disagree, but in this particular case, I am afraid I have to agree with those who have been hurt by Mahathir’s usage of the word “keeling”.
According to Mahathir, many of those Indian friends have no objection or problem, but that doesn’t give him the liberty and right to ‘test’ the ground. There are others who take the term as an insult and demeaning.
I bet the message had reached the nonagenarian and it should be clear to him by now. This should be a good 'moral' lesson to him, and he should know never to repeat the term.
Let's be magnanimous and pardon him this time around, considering his age and sacrifice. We have an important task ahead to discharge, and we needed Mahathir to lead the charge. - Mkini

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