
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Yoursay: Has the Iron Lady crossed the Rubicon?

YOURSAY | ‘Is this Rafidah’s last-minute audition to board the good ship Pakatan Harapan?’
CQ MUARku: This is an honourable move not many will readily emulate. Former minister Rafidah Aziz has scored and earned another feather to her cap of dignity by resigning as chairperson of latex glove conglomerate Supermax Corporation Bhd.
This after the company’s managing director, Stanley Thai, made a surprising and disgraceful apology to the caretaker prime minister for supporting the opposition in the 13th general election.
To members of the public, Thai's shameless and unorthodox announcement was anything but acceptable. His disgraceful act will only set his company back.
Proper: Rafidah, you have earned my respect and that of many others by standing by your principles.
You have stood your ground against kleptocrats and the corrupt. You showed that we Malaysians don’t have to be cowed by them in order to save the country from being plundered and destroyed.
I only wish more leaders like you will emerge to defend the rakyat. Vote wisely, everyone.
Matusa: This whole Supermax episode merely magnifies the nobility of opposition stalwarts Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Rafizi Ramli, and of course, the late Karpal Singh.
Jail or threats of jail merely harden their resolve to fight for their beliefs and principles.
This ‘orang kaya’ (rich person), on the other hand, has barely received a scratch, and he capitulates to Malaysian Official 1 (MO1). Politics is clearly not for the faint of heart.
While it is easy for us to scoff at the minions who attempt to paddle their bravado every now and then, it is far more important to appreciate the giants who have always been there to fight our battles through thick and thin. We owe so much to them.
Anonymous 2440681500979251: Well said, @Matusa. Not everyone can make that level of sacrifice. Incarceration can break a person.
Thai, of course, is a different story. He is only trying to get himself out of a rut. My respect for Rafidah, meanwhile, has grown immeasurably. Unfortunately, it is a little too late.
Vent: But pray tell, Rafidah, why are you only resigning now? As Supermax chairperson, where was your moral high ground when you knew that Thai was facing five years in prison after he was convicted of insider trading in 2014?
I certainly don't share the adulation you have slavishly received in these parts. You and fellow Umno veteran Rais Yatim are only crawling out of the deadwood now.
One thing’s for sure, you certainly are a shrewd politician. You didn’t earn the moniker ‘iron lady’ for nothing.
Anonymous_6d2e53cf: Is this Rafidah’s last-minute audition to board the good ship Pakatan Harapan and stand for the 14th general election?
SE: If certain companies ‘in close proximity’ to the government are forced, as we all know, to contribute to Umno-BN’s war chest, shouldn’t at least some of those funds flow Harapan’s way, since their chances of winning the 14th general election are getting better by the day?
Boeyks: At least now we know how businesses are treated, and how they have to behave in this country.
Anonymous 621101460964937: Thai said: "Being a businessperson, I should not be involved in politics under any circumstances, and I regret it.”
But by making his apology to Najib ahead of an election and being from the same company as one of the caretaker prime minister’s chief detractors of late, and making that apology public, isn’t he doing exactly that?
Righteousness 4 All: Will Thai be pardoned? Will his conviction be wiped clean and will he be a free man with his press conference?
If so, lawyers will have an easy task with similar cases in the near future. Just hold a press conference and leave your dignity at the door.
Shibboleth: Why is Thai apologising now? Shouldn’t he wait until after May 9? This is because he may have to make another U-turn if Harapan wins GE14.
Pak Lam: I don’t know Thai personally, but I believe we all know who he supports in his heart based on who he threw his support behind in GE13. But I wouldn’t be so quick to condemn him, I believe in hearing both sides.
The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) withdrawing support from the company is scary, it may indicate that there may be something else behind the charges levelled against him.
Just put yourself in his shoes and ask what you would do given his circumstances. The poor guy is being judged or rather misjudged without an opportunity to tell his side of the story, beyond acts like this press conference.
Hopefully, that opportunity will come soon for him.
Anonymous_b3cdcd05: I feel sorry for this man. He is either not very intelligent, or in some deep trouble and wracked by paranoia.
Why would he apologise to Najib of all people? Or is he under the belief that this will help his appeal against his five-year sentence?
6th Generation Immigrant: Thank you, Thai, you have not only helped Malaysia realise who you are, but what you are. You have helped Malaysians truly decide who they should vote for based on your actions.
Gaji Buta: This pathetic sideshow aside, most businesspersons will want BN to continue as a corrupt and dysfunctional system as it is conducive for business.
So, in effect, BN supporters are making tycoons richer, and at the same time they are brainwashed to worry about DAP. And they wonder why their situation has not changed for 60 years.
Surely by now, they must realise they are perpetuating their own condition by supporting BN. - Mkini

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