
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Gerakan Wanita chief tells Chinese to 'wake up'

Gerakan Wanita chief Tan Lian Hoe has urged the Chinese to "wake up and return to the right path" as the opposition, especially DAP, has failed to fulfill its promises.
"It is now time for the Chinese community to be more aware, to wake up and return to the right path.
"All their promises were not fulfilled. You have been lied to and made a fool of for two terms.
"The rakyat should not fall for their promises which they have never fulfilled," she said in her speech at the Gerakan Youth and Wanita 30th National Delegates Conference today.
She said that DAP, in particular, has tried to manipulate facts to cover up their corruption and abuse of power while pointing their fingers at MCA and Gerakan to hide their mistakes.
"DAP are the real 'running dog', not MCA and Gerakan because DAP is the one who 'sold out the Chinese'.
"DAP will bring the Chinese community a great loss without any representative in the Cabinet," she said.
No free education?
Meanwhile, Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang also warned the people against Pakatan Harapan, especially DAP and PKR, for failing to live up to their promises.
Speaking at the officiation of the Gerakan Youth AGM today, Tan pointed out that the opposition had promised the rakyat free education many times before, most recently in their alternative budget 2018, if they were to capture Putrajaya.

However, he said, in the PKR-led Selangor state, tertiary education at University Selangor (Unisel) and Selangor International Islamic University College (Kuis) are still not free yet.
"If they are really sincere in giving free education to the rakyat, they could just waive the education fees at Unisel and Kuis, both of which are under the administration of the Pakatan government in Selangor.
"However, the issue was never even raised by Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali in the recent Selangor budget, so I would like to find out from them if the free education promised and mentioned by them in their alternative budget is just to act a bait for votes or as political bait for the youth?" he questioned.
It is not just free education that the opposition has failed to make a reality, he said, pointing to their promise of abolishing tolls in their alternative budget.
"The BN government has agreed to abolish the tolls at Batu Tiga and Sungai Rasau, Selangor, Bukit Kayu Hitam in Kedah and the Eastern Dispersal Link in Johor.
"The question now is, why did Pakatan Harapan not table in the Selangor budget 2018 to abolish tolls in Kesas and Sprint?
"A lot of people might not know this but the Selangor government has shares in those highways," he said. - Mkini

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