
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Keyboard warriors wage propaganda war over Penang floods

Far from the floodwaters of Penang which claimed seven lives, MCA and DAP's keyboard warriors are waging a propaganda war on social media.
DAP supporters had posted a photograph of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng on the ground for 25 hours after disaster struck on Nov 4.
“Our CM did not rest at all, don't overwork and remember to take rest. Bravo CM!” read the Chinese-language caption.
Then came another photograph depicting MCA deputy president Wee Ka Siong with other leaders and volunteers holding a water hose and cleaning a building floor.
However, MCA supporters were not amused with the accompanying caption in the form of an imaginary dialogue between Wee and his entourage, which read:
Wee: Have the reporters taken a photo (of us cleaning)?
Entourage: Should be
Wee: Let's leave (then)
Another photograph took a swipe at MCA Youth chief Chong Sin Woon over his remarks that despite the Penang chief minister's “tokong (deity-like)” status, he was unable to prevent the flood and therefore one “must not fight with the heavens”.
Chong had apologised after courting flak but other MCA leaders pointed out that Lim too had attempted to capitalise on disasters such as the missing MAS flight MH370 by running down the BN government.
The supporters of both parties also traded barbs over Penang state executive councillor Chong Eng accusing the MCA Youth chief of “stealing” volunteers for cleaning works.
MCA and BN struck back with a collection of DAP state assemblyperson RSN Rayer's “selfies” believed to have been taken at various locations affected by the flood.
“Flood relief efforts—DAP adun (assemblyperson) RSN Rayer style,” read the caption.

Prominent MCA blogger Howard Lim, on the other hand, had DAP organising secretary Anthony Loke in his crosshairs or rather his “clean” pair of boots and t-shirt.
“I want to introduce a super volunteer to you... But the point is that his t-shirt and shoes have no dirt on them. Thanks to 'rocket' (DAP's symbol) washing liquid,” he wrote.
The blogger insinuated that Loke had posed for the photograph to give the impression that he was helping to clean the affected areas.
Penang witnessed the heaviest rainfall in its recorded history on Nov 4 and 5, causing unprecedented floods on the mainland and island. Parts of Kedah were also severely affected.
The heavy rainfall was caused by a tropical disturbance referred to as "Invest 95W", according to the Pacific Disaster Centre.
However, DAP's rivals have blamed it on over-development in the state.- Mkini

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