
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Malaysian Insight’s Crusade Against The MACC Chief

Why are they so bent on destroying MACC’s Dzulkifli? Is Dzulkifli a threat to them? Has this anything to do with Dzulkifli going after people like Shafie Apdal and many other crooks? Are they trying to pressure Dzulkifli into backing off from something or someone? They appear determined in destroying Dzulkifli and it will be most interesting to find out why. Dzulkifli seems to a be a threat to them or to someone who Jabahar and his sister are working for.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
It appears that The Malaysian Insight (TMI) has launched a crusade against the MACC Chief, Dzulkifli Ahmad. Today, TMI came out with a so-called revelation titled ‘Video ‘skandal’ ketua SPRM muncul lagi’.
First of all it is not a video. It is actually a bunch of still photos presented in video format. So it is not quite like there was a hidden video in a hotel room or something like that. What they did is they compiled a set of still photos and turned it into a video and claim that they have a video. Of course, when you say ‘video’ people get excited thinking they are about to watch a porn movie.
The so-called ‘porn video’ is actually a still photo of two people holding hands with many other photos thrown in to make it appear like there are many. And then they present this as earth-shattering. Some of those still photos are actually doctored and were taken elsewhere and presented as the ‘crime scene’.
This is just like the photos they published of kononnya Rosmah Mansor shopping in Australia whereas it was a photo of Rosmah superimposed on a photo of a Dubai goldsmith shop. That was such as amateurish job you do not know whether to laugh or cry.
The quality of the so-called Dzulkifli ‘video’ and the fake photos they used is one thing. Anyone who looks at it will see that it is the work of a school kid. What is more important is what are they up to and who is behind this?

Faridah with the ex-IGP and wife: what game is she playing?

TMI is the only one carrying this story. So this story is exclusive to TMI. TMI is under Jahabar Sadiq, the same person who featured fake stories regarding 1MDB supported by doctored documents they stole from Justo after promising to pay him US$2 million.
Even more interesting is that Jahabar’s sister, Faridah Begum, is actively promoting this story and is making sure it goes viral. So it is a brother and sister operation and they are going all out in trying to destroy MACC’s Dzulkifli?
Why are they so bent on destroying MACC’s Dzulkifli? Is Dzulkifli a threat to them? Has this anything to do with Dzulkifli going after people like Shafie Apdal and many other crooks? Are they trying to pressure Dzulkifli into backing off from something or someone? They appear determined in destroying Dzulkifli and it will be most interesting to find out why. Dzulkifli seems to a be a threat to them or to someone who Jabahar and his sister are working for.

Jahabar and his sister Faridah are going all out to try to destroy MACC’s Dzulkifli Ahmad

They are taking a few still shots and presenting them as a video and then viral it as if a crime has been committed. All they have is a photo of two people holding hands and they are trying to suggest that this person should be sent to jail for holding hands.
When you go all out to destroy someone that can only be because you hate that person or because that person is a threat to you. Is Dzulkifli a threat to Jahabar or to his sister or to whoever Jahabar and his sister serve?
Yes, never mind the so-called ‘video’ or the fake photos and so on. That is not really important. What is important is the motive behind the whole thing. They are going all out in trying to destroy Dzulkifli and there must be a reason why. That is what we want to know, the motive. Every crime must have a motive and there must also be a motive as to why Jahabar and his sister want to destroy Dzulkifli.
Over to you Jabahar and Faridah. Tell us why you want to destroy Dzulkifli. Is he a threat to you and/or your paymasters? Surely you are not doing this for fun or because you get an orgasm.

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