
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Latest World Bank Report Shows That Malaysia Is Growing Weaker – Kepala Bapak Falsifying Economic Data ?

Image result for economy Malaysia

This is a rerun:

October 9, 2017

latest World Bank report shows Malaysia economy growing weaker. 

of 15 Asian economies Malaysia among only ones expected to worsen. 

in 2018, Malaysia’s growth rate will lower to 5%, 2019 further to 4.8%. 
less than three months to go until 2018.

most Asian economies rising, Malaysia’s in decline

Malaysia 1 of only 2 Asian economies household debt “exceeds 70% of GDP”. 
Malaysia’s debt bubble is about to explode.

In failed US visit Kepala Bapak said 5.2% growth "envy of advanced economies”. 

Iraq 11% growth, Bangladesh 7.1%, Ethiopia 7.6% growth last year
the envy of advanced economies, too?

Malaysia is falling behind its Asian neighbours.
Bloomberg reported Indon, Thais are world’s top 10 populations 
highest numbers of millionaires being created
increasing 13.7% and 12.7% respectively.
Unlike Asian neighbours, M'sia not entered G20 or trillion-dollar GDP club 

UN says M'sian youth unemployment skyrocketed to 12.1%, rising 
four times national unemployment rate. 
Bank Negara survey : 3 of 4 Malaysians find it difficult to raise RM1,000 

Kepala Bapak notorious for falsifying economic data 
selectively quoting reports, omitting bad news, twisting economic portrait 
he is politically unstable.
In best-seller "The Rise and Fall of Nations" author describes hilarious story 
Kepala Bapak's inability to understand economy:

Kepala Bapak was asked if collapse of ringgit boost manufacturing
He answered by missing the point, saying cheap ringgit great for tourism
Pressed on manufacturing question, Kepala Bapak seemed at a loss
Barisan Nasional focused on protecting elite few.

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