
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 13, 2017

'You do not speak on behalf of the Almighty, Zahid'

YOURSAY | 'BN seems more interested in politicising the Penang floods rather than assisting its victims.'

Zahid: Floods a sign from God to retake Penang

Vijay47: Why do I suddenly feel as though Malaysiakini has become hallowed ground from whence I shall hear messages from the Almighty to the faithful?
And the bearer of such glad tidings, why, it is none other than Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi himself, once a disciple of that Islamic scholar, international financier and alleged ardent supporter of terrorism, Zakir Naik, and now like Saul, a reformed man!
I am not too sure how local Muslims would take it, but my own soul is in rapture that Zahid should quote from the Bible, from Deuteronomy which promises that God will smite thy foes and Jerusalem shall be retaken.
Surely God speaketh of Penang, though I am not sure what role Lim Guan Eng plays in these words of prophecy. Canst thou share with this poor sinner, good Zahid, how you hear the voice of God that guided thee as you spoke to the multitudes at the Gerakan assembly.
Is it through dreams, sounds as loud as the roaring ocean or perchance, by WhatsApp? In truth, sir, thou art really blessed.
Clever Voter: Zahid, as expected, hasn't said anything better than his colleagues in BN.
It is incredible how parliamentarians have regressed both intellectually and ethically. But it is highly hypocritical to criticise others of overdevelopment when the same can be seen elsewhere, especially in the Klang Valley.
Equally to be blamed are underinvestment in flood control and drainage, all of which could have been better funded by the federal government. We also have double standards; if there were no landslide and floods complaints, BN would centre on the lack of housing development.
Politics has got dirty. The state government has the twin problems of tolerating insults and accusations from their opposition numbers, and rebuilding.
Anonymous 444981488553970: Zahid, since when were you appointed to speak on behalf of God? When floods hit Terengganu and Kelantan, was it a sign that God wanted the people to take the states back from BN and PAS?
By the way, could that not be read as a sign that the 1MDB scandal is going to be exposed and the perpetrators are going to be brought to justice?
Jedi Yoda: Now isn't this politicising the Penang flood for brownie points? Is Zahid suggesting that there will be no floods under BN?
The rakyat is telling BN that the 1MDB scandal is the sign that they have lost their mandate to rule the country. Now that’s a sign.
Tekad: Nobody knows Gerakan’s failures better than the voters of Penang. Its glory days were the time Dr Lim Chong Eu led Gerakan.
Since Chong Eu retired from Gerakan, its subsequent leaders, Lim Keng Yaik, Koh Tsu Koon, Teng Chang Yeow and now Mah are of substandard quality in terms of leadership and vision.
Under Koh, Penang stagnated. The DAP-led Pakatan government has not been perfect, and its Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has sometimes behaved arrogantly and defensively, but there is no denying that since 2008, Penang has become cleaner, more vibrant and less corrupt, with more inclusive government policies.
BN leaders should work harder and talk less instead of calling on God for help.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong, there is nothing to interpret. We understand fully what Zahid said. He said the floods in Penang are a sign from God that it is the best time for BN to retake Penang in the 14th general election, nothing more and nothing less.
So now, any natural disaster is a message from God. BN is more interested in politicising the floods rather than assisting the poor victims. Their show of help is nothing but superficial and at best, minimal.
Sans Prejudice: Always the apologist for his master's callousness, Gerakan is not going to endear itself to the Penangites who have experienced the worst floods in the state in living memory.
Jumping up to do damage control is a glaring example of bootlicking at its best.
Please do not insult our intelligence and desist from trying to “interpret” what Zahid meant. From experience, we read him like a book.
And from experience we already know what Gerakan is capable of not achieving. It is a blasphemy to invoke God's name to endorse their far-fetched dream of recapturing Penang.
Anonymous 2460391489930458: Saying such things at a time when Penang flood victims are just getting back on their feet shows that Zahid has no concern whatsoever for Penang residents.
It's all about "rampas balik" (snatching back) the state from the opposition. It's all about power and politics. Bringing the Almighty God into the political mudslinging is as low-down as one can go.
Lone_star: Say what you mean and mean what you say. Then there will be less need to wipe your own face or that of others, trying to defend the indefensible. Let what Zahid has said stand, and stop misinterpreting him.- Mkini

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