
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 9, 2018

Harapan leaders still quiet on Dr M's use of ethnic slur

Prolific American rapper Killer Mike once said, “When you say you want to talk about racial justice, that’s not the same when I want to do something about racial justice.”
Dr Mahathir Mohamad is internationally known for his divide and rule policy. He practiced racial profiling and segregation, which enabled him to remain in power for 22 years.
Today, he is back to the game he knows best.
It has barely been a week since he launched Harapan’s Manifesto for the Indian community and claimed he will do more for the Indians if he comes back to power.
Then he goes and utters the word ‘keling’ referring to the Indian community. Adding salt to the wound, he defends his statement and says nothing is wrong with the word ‘keling’.
Surprisingly, the Indians from Harapan have been quiet.
Prior to the last general elections, Perkasa’s Zulkifli Nordin was blasted for uttering the word ‘keling’ and he was one of the reason for BN’s dismal showing in the last GE.
In fact, the opposition media attacked him badly, and said never before did Anwar Ibrahim, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Lim Kit Siang, or Lim Guan Eng use the word ‘keling’.
DAP’s RoketKini called Zulkifli Nordin a racist and said he disrespected the Hindu community.
It has been days since Mahathir used the same word. I wonder why the opposition hasn’t said anything? Is it because ‘keling’ is acceptable now that Mahathir endorsed it?
Maybe BN is indeed right when they said, “Mahathir in, rocket out.”
Mahathir’s defence is appalling. He wondered why MIC is jumping when his friends were okay with that word.
Where does one hang their head in shame? Why the deafening silence from Hindraf’s P Waythamoorthy, Mira New Gen Party, DAP’s P Ramasamy and M Kulasegaran, or PKR’s Xavier Jayakumar?
Where are thou Indian leaders within Pakatan to be our voice?
Imagine what would have happen if Najib or his ministers uttered the word? Hindraf would have organised another rally. They would have admonished Najib till kingdom come.
But now, they are quiet, and we trust them to champion our rights?
Where should the line be drawn? Why are we bending the rules when it involves the opposition? Will name-calling and racial shaming only stop once another racially incited riot breaks?
We cry for unity and harmony, yet the same people envision bringing the devil back. They seem to walk on fire themselves, but blame the hot coal beneath when their feet gets burnt.
The British cried for a change. They voted in the Conservatives in place of the Labour Party. Soon after, the Brits realised the Conservatives were no better. Some say they are even worse. They then voted for another change in Brexit. Presently, the majority of people are regretting the change.
Over in America, cries for change brought Donald Trump to power. There is a reason why history is important. Besides, the grass is not always greener on the other side. - Mkini

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