
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, April 7, 2018

Yoursay: Loyalty to king and country, not to PM and party

YOURSAY | Should the chief of the armed forces be campaigning for BN and PM?
Ravinder: Armed Forces chief Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor, by urging both the troops and police to be grateful and loyal to the government led by Prime Minister Najib Razak, has done a disservice to the country.
By this, he is saying that the troops and police "hutang budi" to BN and the PM. So, what he means to say is that they should not bite the hand that feeds them, and that in turn means they should show gratitude by voting for the 'correct party'.
Are the troops and the police not supposed to be above politics? Should the chief of the armed forces be campaigning for BN and the PM? Does this not breach the code of conduct of the armed forces?
Cogito Ergo Sum: No leader in the past has ever ignored the armed forces. Providing housing and amenities is absolutely essential in maintaining the military. To suggest that a government would forsake the armed forces is inanity.
You have a former naval chief (Lumut MP Mohamad Imran Abd Hamid) in the ranks of the opposition. Do you think he will allow the armed forces personnel to be forsaken?
As Armed Forces chief, you are required to be neutral and serve whichever government that comes to power. Your statement is clearly a sign of dabbling in politics.
Tax-Payer: Raja Mohamed, your blind loyalty will hurt the country. The Najib regime gives you "everything", and that is precisely what he wants you to do in order to keep him in power to allegedly continue to plunder the nation's coffer.
Remain loyal to the government of the day, but not necessary to the party who is the government of the day. Remain vigilant on the welfare of the country and the people.
Someonroutthere: Loyalty should always be to king and country, not politicians and political parties. A roof over your head, your safety and welfare are paid for with tax money from the people, not from BN or Najib’s pocket.
So think carefully before you speak, or else the men and women you lead may lose respect for your lack of respect for the king and country and the people you vowed to defend.
Kangkung: Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) is asking the security forces to be loyal to the Umno government filled with kleptocrats.
US attorney-general Jeff Sessions described Malaysia's 1MDB scandal as “kleptocracy at its worst” and MO1, with his poker face, can still stand before our security forces asking for their support?
Varuna: There should be little doubt in the minds of many as to whether it is appropriate for a chief of armed forces to appeal to all those under his command to influence national elections to the house of representatives.
And it should also be uncommon in a democracy for any serving chief of armed forces to single out the current PM and extol him as deserving of another term.
As a private citizen, the chief has his prerogative to vote in any manner as he wishes. There may be an impropriety, one can imagine, in the use of such office for an irregular purpose.
The honourable service in the armed forces should not be diminished by the current PM with indications of a potential threat to the carriers of the servicemen if his present government is replaced.
This is bad politicking at any time and especially now as national elections are imminent. The essential services within a nation, including the armed forces, are ordained to loyally serve without distinction a duly-elected government.
Attempts to peddle apprehensions at this level and in a democracy is surely inappropriate.
Oscar Kilo: I am disappointed that the armed forces chief does not know the difference between the government and ruling party. Umno is the ruling party, it is not “the government”.
The Fog of Life: I urge this nation to be loyal to leadership that:
1. Excels in integrity and honesty.
2. Is sincerely committed to zero tolerance on compliance concerns.
3. Holds cronyism and corruption in utter contempt.
4. Holds all persons accountable for their actions regardless of diversity, high position or status.
5. Is committed to the rule of law and the independence of our key institutions.
6. Has an unyielding commitment to the equal treatment, tolerance and respect of all people regardless of their race, religion or other diverse human characteristics.
7. Applies meritocracy in the selection of persons for key positions.
8. Will apply the aforesaid values without exception and without fear or favour.
May Allah (swt) bless this nation with such leaders.
Dizzer: A pre-election shindig for the army and the police looks really worrying – it’s like a 1970s South American junta flexing its muscles.
People tell me that the armed forces still have a vestigial belief in king and country (and an understandable distaste for venal politicians). But the police?
Oh, and I don't want to appear paranoid, but don't those middle-aged men in the picture form the core of the National Security Council (the one that will spring into action if anything goes 'wrong' with the election?)
Rubystar_4037: Patriot president Mohamad Arshad Raji, my true ‘hormat’ and respect for such a gentleman like you, a real patriot who dares to speak his mind.
I think there are many Malays of your calibre but are too unafraid to speak out.
Shark Fins Belong on Sharks: The people salute Mohamad Arshad for being a fine man and a true patriot.
His courage to speak up based on his convictions would have lent confidence to members of the armed forces and police to vote against the government of the day.
It was also a brilliant move for him to have shamed Raja Mohamed for selling the armed forces to BN and for questioning the man's loyalty to the king.
I have no doubt Mohamad Arshad and the other honourable members of Patriot will cause a ripple this GE14 and a dent to the "Let's buy out the whole nation" strategy of the ruling government.
Oxymoronictendencies: These are desperate times for him as prison looms large. And in desperate times, desperate people will do and say anything for just one more vote.
Not that stirring the racial pot using fear is a particularly new tactic for Najib. It’s just that it’s becoming more blatant and prevalent the closer we get to GE14 polling day. - Mkini

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