
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 9, 2018

Yoursay: Thanks to ROS and EC, Harapan is now one

YOURSAY | ‘This new path will not be without pitfalls, but challenges must be faced.’
Anonymous 568201438363345: It is the dawn of a new era. Finally, for once, we are seeing a country-first commitment from the opposition, in which party and personal agenda take a back seat.
Without 92-year-old Cao Cao doing another Sun Tzu, all this would not have been possible. I bow down in my humblest and deepest respect to Pakatan Harapan chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad for making all this possible. The Malaysian political landscape will never ever be the same ever again.
Now, everybody - and I mean everybody – it’s time to do your part. Go back to your hometown and make sure all your friends, buddies, family and contacts come out and vote.
NoNonsense: In an unprecedented show of unity, all the four parties of the Harapan coalition have agreed to adopt a single symbol, that of PKR for the 14th general election (GE14). This augurs well for Harapan.
It is now our turn as voters, to put aside our differences, greed and self-interest, show our unity and vote wisely for the future of our nation. Let's do our duty as citizens.
Tholu: Yes, it is an unprecedented move never seen before, and which we could never have thought of even in the wildest flights of our imaginations.
It is indeed difficult to accept the fact that familiar logos of formidable political parties such as DAP will not be seen fluttering magnificently and majestically in the air during this election campaigns.
However, in the face of BN president Najib Abdul Razak’s political machinations, this option is inevitable. It is actually a brilliant decision that surely would have Najib and BN taken by surprise and utter disappointment.
I wish Harapan all the best and hope to see it emerging the triumphant victor of these despicable rigged elections.
Vijay47: Having celebrated and participated in close to 10 general elections, it is difficult and painful to enter a voting booth where the familiar Red Rocket will not be present to welcome and assure me.
But time has swept on by, circumstances have changed often beyond imagination, and new relationships and bonds have been forged. If the Eye of the Typhoon now represents the reality of a new hope and a unified Malaysia, I accept and support it wholeheartedly.
This new path will not be without pitfalls. Many, especially the older generation, may be confused with the choice available but these are the challenges that opposition supporters must face.
GE14 must be one of the most shameful in our history where Najib and Umno have defied every convention of a fair election in their bid to retain power; that sinking desperation reflected in all the abuses already manifested is matched by the growing confidence of those committed to bringing the change Malaysia needs.
Clever Voter: Emotionally, this is very welcoming. We now have unfolding of a new coalition, and PKR will become a strong and new force.
One can only hope the multiracial party will mature rapidly and embrace the strengths of its friends to forge a new beginning.
There is everything to gain. But much work has to be done as there will still be dirty tricks including vote counting. The country has to mobilise whatever limited resources for public good.
HaveAGreatDay: Harapan is pulling out all the stops. We who are rooting for change, cannot really ask for more. Is it enough to counter the uneven playing field in GE14?
I am no seer but I dare to hope and pray, even as I have consciously conceded BN will win. Miracles do happen.
VGV: Four component parties under the PKR logo is a sure victory in the coming GE14. Put all differences aside and work towards achieving peace and harmony among the people for a new Harapan and overthrow the present regime "deep into the drains".
To Mahathir and his coalition leaders - please bring back the government on the right track and also in the right direction. Go forward and get cracking to bring back the country to greater heights.
Not Convinced: Thank you, Registrar of Societies (ROS) and the Election Commission (EC). Without your machinations, Harapan will find it hard to be one.
Vijay47: The label "keling" may have once carried an etymological connotation of honour and respect to those whose origins were from the Indian kingdom of Kalinga. But now, it has assumed a derogatory slant certain to offend Indians as much as the word "nigger" would enrage African-Americans.
However, Mahathir's use of the word is to tackle head-on Umno leaders, especially Umno de facto deputy president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who sought to slight him for his Indian ethnicity.
In effect, Mahathir is saying "Hey, this Indian, this keling, is asking the Elections Commission (EC) and like-minded bodies to go take a flying leap”.
There should be no reason for our outrage to be misdirected by Mahathir's deliberate choice of words - it should remain focused on the real villains, Umno and its lackeys.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Mahathir has used sarcasm to the hilt by indirectly referring to Zahid’s reference to his Indian roots. Frankly, only those whose level of understanding of literary devices and language nuances is poor will foolishly take offence.
Gerard Lourdesamy: The EC has no such power under the Elections Act 1958 and the Regulations.
So long as the PKR president gives the letter of appointment to any candidate from the three other Harapan parties addressed to the EC, these candidates are eligible to be nominated and contest in GE14 as PKR candidates using the PKR symbol.
The EC should stop making new laws every day. Do you want free and fair elections, or just BN standing alone for election? The EC better be very careful with their statements as the rakyat is already pissed off with the ROS.
A Malaysian: As a law-abiding citizen of this country, what has been happening with delineation, gerrymandering, muzzling of citizens with fake laws, ROS and EC is very shameful and disgusting to watch.
With this latest development from the EC, this is the last straw that breaks the camel's back as such a dirty tactic is totally unacceptable to all Malaysians.
The backlash from the rakyat will be swift and fierce and utterly tsunami-like. I don't think EC and the caretaker government can get away with this. -Mkini

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