
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Yoursay: TMJ is right, respect begets respect but…

YOURSAY | ‘The world is littered not only with ‘forked tongues’ but also thieves and scoundrels…’
Anonymous_b3cdcd05: Yes, Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim (TMJ), we are different but respect must remain.
The TMJ will always be in the hearts of not only Johoreans but all Malaysians. No one but him has spoken up for the people against tyranny and abuses by the state.
We may not be Johoreans but we are not outsiders and we don’t see ourselves any different from Johoreans as we all want the same things from our leaders – honesty, integrity, fairness and good governance.
Sometimes the view from the serenity of the palace grounds can be different from the vagaries of the real world. The world of potholes, overflowing drains and manholes.
This world of ours is littered not only with ‘forked tongues’ but also thieves and scoundrels who have grown fat stealing from the people.
It’s something like watching a football match in fine suits from the VIP boxes against watching it drenched in the heat from one corner of the hard terraces. The view can be different.
Hopefully, this would be an eye-opener of sorts as to why those who have always applauded the revered TMJ would differ this time around.
The rakyat, meaning those that need to do an honest day’s work to put food on the table, are struggling. Advocating the continuation of this tyranny is the unkindest cut of all.
Anonymous: Indeed, can we trust and respect PM Najib Razak and his government for what happened relating to 1MDB scandal? Can the people just forgive and forget?
I understand that we have to move on. But we cannot allow injustice, rampant corruption and abuse of power go unpunished. No one was taken to account and brought to justice. Is that fair and are leaders respecting the people's trust?
It simply goes against our good conscience and self-respect. Let the people decide what is best for them.
Gerard Lourdesamy: I agree with the TMJ. Respect begets respect. It must be earned and not demanded based on status, privilege or power.
There must also be respect for the constitution and its conventions and precedents, and the law by all institutions and the rakyat.
Service to the rakyat must take precedence over self-interest and self-preservation, which in my view are also base animalistic tendencies.
So, everybody must be humble and simple. Ostentatious displays of wealth and power do not serve the needs of the rakyat.
A nation belongs to the people. Without the people, even a state cannot exist, let alone institutions.
Anonymous_b3cdcd05: In times like this, every little bit helps but for it to be more meaningful, the RM1 million from TMJ could have been spent more productively if the object was to help those struggling due to the economic downturn.
This could be a small start by the Johor royalty but it should be done more constructively and sustainably so that it reaches the targeted people.
Daulat tuanku! It needs a big heart and may this effort of yours be the stepping stone to bigger and more organised form of assistance to a host of needs, from education to employment, among the poor.
How nice if other members of the royalty too can do this for their people.
Pakcik Am: I think the timing for TMJ is a little awkward.
After openly endorsing Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) despite the alleged misappropriation of a sum of US$4.5 billion in stages over five years or so out of US$6 billion that went into 1MDB between 2009 and 2015 (according to US Department of Justice), Yang Mulia's carrying out an exercise like this after dissolution of parliament and prior to polling day, it appears to amount to canvassing for MO1.
Raja Chulan: What the citizens and Bangsa Johor need are leaders who work hard for the people, not leaders who steal and cheat the rakyat. Not leaders who sit high up on the pedestal and find ways to bleed the rakyat dry all the time.
6th Generation Immigrant: The fact that thousands capitalised on the opportunity to shop till they dropped only goes to prove that it has been a very, very, very long time ago that people can afford to shop this way.
Two questions arise from this act - how much of that RM1 million went to GST and has the TMJ managed to calm his subjects after (him) calling on the people to support the incumbents?
Anonymous_1421806811: If TMJ truly is charitable, he shouldn't restrict to one supermarket and only one time.
He should give scholarships to deserving students, pay for those who cannot pay at public hospitals, give food and clothing to the hardcore poor and build homeless shelters. He can restrict it to only Johoreans of all creed in Johor.
That would make him an exemplar for other royalty to follow. There are truly more deserving Johoreans who need his charity.
Anonymous_aa465153: As a frequent shopper at Tebrau City, I can assure you this place is full of Singaporeans. Nothing wrong with that really.
But with all due respect, I find the objective behind this generosity to be greatly misplaced. Perhaps our beloved leader is not aware that there are multiples old folks home and orphanage around.
In addition to that, the wet market is only a stone throw away. As such, it leaves everyone guessing the real purpose for such display of wealth.
Liew Lean Kut: Thank you, your royal highness, you are following the footstep of our generous prime minister, giving goodies to everybody and asking them not to rock the boat.
But will they listen? - Mkini

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