
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Lebanese PM Did Not Resign. Saudis Have Kidnapped Him And Forced Him To Read Statement On TV

Case of Missing Lebanese Prime Minister Stirs Middle East Tensions

  • Lebanese PM Saad Hariri made sudden trip abroad last week
  • taken at first to be a routine visit with political patron, Saudi Arabia. 
  • next day, he announced his resignation by video from Riyadh
  • He has yet to return to Lebanon.

Hezbollah charged that Saudis holding him against his will

  • a profusion of bewildering events 
  • Saudi arrest of princes and wealthy businessmen last weekend 
  • ordering citizens out of Lebanon on Thurs 
  • escalating tensions in Middle East 
  • anxiety whether region on verge of military conflict.

officials in the region anxious about volatile combination: 
  • impulsive, youthful Saudi leader escalating threats to roll back Iran
  • equally impulsive Trump administration signaling agreement with Saudi 
  • increasingly warnings from Israel it may fight another war with Hezbollah.

analysts fear they are part of buildup to regional war.

Hariri had shown no signs of planning to resign

aggressive Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman
ordered arrest of hundreds of Saudis — 11 princes, ministers and businessmen 

Jared Kushner had visited Riyadh on undisclosed trip 
met until early morning hours with crown prince. 

Israel increasing concern about Hezbollah’s growing arsenal

Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah said Saudi asked Israel to attack Lebanon
after essentially kidnapping Mr. Hariri.

Israel publicly predicting another war with Hezbollah 

Israel go to war with Hezbollah and fight a Saudi war to the last Israeli

Saudi efforts to oppose Iranian influence in Lebanon drew applause in Jerusalem. 
Israelis fear Saudi crown prince could drag Israel into a war it does not want.
Prince Mohammed impatient to spark confrontation

next war with Hezbollah may be catastrophic if it lasts more than few days. 
Hezbollah has 120,000 rockets and missiles, Israel estimates
enough to overwhelm Israeli missile defenses.

Many of them long-range, accurate enough to bring down Tel Aviv high-rises
sink gas platforms, knock out Ben-Gurion Airport, level buildings across Israel.

Hezbollah not necessarily hankering for battle with Israel
still fighting in Syria backing Bashar al-Assad

Hezbollah in deep economic crisis 
weaker they are, more dependent on Iran 
have to comply with Iran’s instructions

Nasrallah the Hezbollah leader said fight in Syria finished. 

World leaders have sought to tamp down tensions.

Pres Macron of France left Saudi, Fri after last-minute meeting with crown prince.
unexpected two-hour visit on Thurs
reiterated importance France attaches to Lebanon 
discussed situation in Lebanon following resignation of PM Hariri
Macron did not share Saudi Arabia’s “very harsh opinions” of Iran.

group of countries interested in Lebanon’s stability met with president Michel Aoun
issued statement “concern regarding situation, uncertainty in Lebanon” 

increased tensions could provoke economic crisis or start war accidentally. 
Experts caution Israel often only a mistake or two from being drawn into combat.

a dangerous situation now
takes one provocation it can get out of control. 
And when Saudis want to attack Iran it gets more complicated

My comments : Israel is prepared for a war with Hezbollah in Lebanon but (being a democracy) they are not itching for a fight.  

Unlike 2006, if there is another war between Israel and Hezbollah, the next war will see a complete wipeout of Hezbollah in Lebanon. 

Not only Hezbollah knows this but more importantly Iran knows this better.  If Hezbollah is destroyed then the Iranian project in the Middle East will be seriously dented. 

If  Hezbollah and Iran remain calm and do not provoke Israel, then the Saudis will suffer intense embarrassment.

If there is no imminent threat against  Saudi Arabia, then for how long will they keep Prince Waleed Talal "imprisoned" at the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh?

For how long will they kidnap the Lebanese PM Saad Hariri?

The end game for the Saudis is non existent, even if Israel goes to war against Hezbollah.

This is too stupid. 

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