
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 3, 2017

Najib’s ‘zero-corruption’ legacy clearly wishful thinking

YOURSAY | ‘How could former deputy minister Husni could come to this conclusion?’
Clever Voter: Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak will leave behind a "zero corruption" legacy one day, former second finance minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said.
No one disagrees if that wish is an aspiration. Today, we have a corrupt patronage system where favours are priced high and the sharing of spoils is a must.
How Husni could come to this conclusion beats even the experts’ predictions. It wouldn't surprise me if this is part of a propaganda where black becomes white and wrong becomes right. There are now even people who will believe cows can fly!
Jedi Yoda: Husni said, "My 10,000 Chinese friends and I are confident that when it is time for Najib to vacate his position... the legacy he will leave Malaysia is 'zero corruption'”.
The world will have zero kleptocracy if Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) vacates his position as prime minister.
Clongviews: Husni, what happened? Are you being sarcastic? Or are you looking forward to a seat in the 14th general election (GE14)?
You must have compromised your integrity by singing such praises now. Zero corruption is just wishful thinking!
Sarawakian: Dear Malaysiakini commenters, Husni may be right and absolutely prophetic on this.
It is Najib and 1MDB that will win GE14 for Pakatan Harapan. And Harapan has promised zero corruption if they win. So history will record that Malaysia became corruption-free because of Najib.
Fernz: The issue is MO1 presided over mega global financial scandals and he has been allowed by the attorney-general (AG) to act with impunity.
It was not the intention of the framers of the Federal Constitution that the AG can resort to abuse in exercising absolute powers on prosecution.
The Federal Court did not interpret the intention of the framers of the Federal Constitution on the AG's powers. Instead, it took a very narrow view confined to the letter of the law and ignoring the spirit.
There's a case on abuse of power, conflict of interest and criminal breach of trust on the mega global financial scandals which has also snared in key PAS lawmakers linked to party president Abdul Hadi Awang. Meanwhile, Jho Low continues to evade the law.
Phanga 1742: I was feeling a bit depressed today until I saw this news report. Husni, you just made my day.
Awang Top: The legacy Najib will leave Malaysia is "zero corruption"? Yes, because there will be nothing left to take.
Hamzah Paiman: Following in the footsteps of Singapore, Johor has banned Malaysian religious preacher Ustaz Haslin Baharim, known as Ustaz Bollywood, and Zimbabwean Ismail Menk from preaching in the state. The ban was reportedly imposed following a decree issued by Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar.
Daulat Tuanku. You are doing the right thing where the politicians have failed. People who wish for a healthy society should migrate to Johor.
Johor should also ban Islamic preacher Zakir Naik. We need peace, not extremist ideologies, in this country.
Kawak: We Malaysians really require the support of their royal highnesses of all states in Malaysia to ban speakers that create animosity and hatred that will destroy racial harmony in Malaysia.
We salute His Majesty the Sultan of Johor for his bravery and wisdom in protecting the harmony of his subjects.
SelangorKu: Well done, Your Majesty.
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said, "They (Ustaz Haslin Baharim and Ismail Menk) are not wrong in our eyes."
It looks like the deputy prime minister needs to change his optician, or our beloved sultan could recommend a better optician to the deputy prime minister.
We are now in dangerous times when leaders fail to see beyond their racial and religious-tinted glasses.
YouTube has lots of videos containing racist and religious teachings by these two bigots. Thank God, we still have a wise and fair sultan.
Hang Tuah PJ: Actually, mufti Menk is a very nice person who does not speak badly of other people or religions. In all the sermons that I have heard, he has never said anything bad about other religions or people.
I listened to the sermon that was referred to in this article and all he said was that instead of saying “Merry Christmas”, we may wish to say “Happy Holidays”.
The Christian belief that Jesus is the son of God is not in congruence with the Muslim belief that Esa is a Prophet. Therefore, we will be deviating from our beliefs as Muslims by associating with the belief that God had a son, which is a great sin. What is so divisive about that?
I have listened to many of his sermons and he makes the most sense to me, as compared to all the muftis and ustazs in Malaysia, including Zakir Naik. It is Johor's loss.
But His Majesty would do Johoreans a big favour by banning Zakir Naik from Johor, as this preacher has been proven to be divisive and is actually a fugitive. I hope His Majesty reconsiders banning mufti Menk.
Hplooi: Two or three decades ago, these kind of preachers, graduates of the Saudi clergy network, were the very source of radical preaching in the mosques in UK and European Union (EU).
The result of their handiwork can be seen today. Many of the terrorists in the UK and EU are homegrown, not recent refugees. The Al-Saud is now recognising this problem and is working to contain the influence of the clergy class.
But yet in Malaysia, t


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