
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Putrajaya mulls BR1M increase amid climbing fuel prices

PARLIAMENT | Putrajaya is considering an increase in the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) amid the climbing fuel price, according to Second Finance Minister Johari Abdul Ghani.
This will be made possible as the government will see a revenue increase with rising global fuel prices.
"Every increase of US$1 per barrel of the fuel price will benefit the government as its revenue will increase approximately RM300 million," he told Dewan Rakyat during the winding up of 2018 Budget debate.

However, Johari did not elaborate on whether the government will increase the amount of the cash handout or the number of recipients.
In this year’s budget, it was announced that the government will persist with the RM1,200 BR1M handout for seven million recipients.
"The average price of fuel is US$52 per barrel now, if the price increases to US$62 per barrel in average by December 2018, then we will have RM3 billion in additional revenue," he added.
"It is highly possible that we can consider increasing BR1M. However, this increase will not permanent, as we may reduce it once (the fuel price) drops," he said.
[More to follow]

- Mkini

1 comment:

  1. Terpaksa sy ucapkn dsni bahwa cita-citaku menjadi TKW yang sukses pulang di kampungku sudah tercapai, alhamdulillah.... awalnya aku ikut-ikutan melihat temanku, ternyata setelah kubuktikan hasilnya memang luar biasa ..!!! terima kasih banyak kpd teman aku yg ada di singapura..! berkat postingan dia di halaman facebook TKI Sukses aku baca. Aku bsa kenal nma nya Mbah Suro Guru spiritual PESUGIHAN ANKA GHAIB TOGEL 2D sampai 6D dan PESUGIHAN DANA GHAIB. . pikir-pikir kurang lebih 7 tahun kerja jd Tkw di Taiwan hanya jeritan batin dan tetes air mata ini selalu menharap tp tdk ada hasil sm sekali. Mana lagi dapat majikanku galak, kejam, cerewet, salah sedikit kena marah lagi . Tiap bulan dapat gaji hanya separoh saja . . itu pun tdk cukup biaya anak di kampung. Tp sy beranikan diri tlpon nmr beliau untuk minta bantuan nya. melalui PESUGIHAN DANA GHAIB Nya . syukur Alhamdulillah benar2 terbukti sekarang. terima kasih ya allah atas semua rejeki mu ini. Aku sudah bs pulang ke kmpung halaman buka usha skrg. jk tman minat ingin tlpn beliau . ini nmr nya +62 82354640471 & 082354640471 siapa tau anda bisa di bantu dan cocok sprti aku . aminn


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