
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 27, 2017

The Fall Of The Sinai To ISIS : Egypt The Next Time Bomb In The Middle East

Image result for The Fall Of The Sinai To ISIS : Egypt The Next Time Bomb In The Middle East

There are a few more soon-to-explode time bombs in the satan infested region known as the Middle East. It should simply be called the Satanic East.

The etymology defines satan  as  "one who opposes, obstructs, or acts as an adversary."  There is plenty of this in the Middle East.  It is a satanic part of planet earth.

Here are some time bombs that you may not have heard of but which are ticking very loudly in the Middle East. 

No 1.  35 million Baluchi people who are spread across Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan are asking for their own homeland. Or independence for themselves. This will happen soon - I think in our lifetime. It will begin from Pakistan and then spread to Iran and Afghanistan.  This means more war, fighting and death.

No.2  Over 40 million Kurds also want their own homelands. They are spread over Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.  There already is an autonomous Kurdistan in northern Iraq.  More war and killing.

No. 3  Saudi Arabia is closest to disintegration and collapsing into civil war.  When they collapse it will take a very long time for the head chopping to stop. Even ISIS will be put to shame. 

No. 4   Some people say that atheism is the fastest growing religion in Iran. After 38 years the Iranian people are fed up of the ayatollah theocracy. They are fed up of fake religion.  As I said before the religious people are liars.  After 38 years the Iranians can see through the lies of the ayatollahs.   There is going to be another revolution in Iran. This time the Iranians are going to massacre the ayatollahs.   A new secular Iran is going to arise. This is a certainty.  Just wait and see.

No. 5 Egypt is going to collapse.   Egypt is on an unstoppable downhill  landslide into the abyss.  95 million people (population 100 million)  live off 8% of their land.  Violence is increasing across Egypt. Over 30% of their youth are unemployed. Over 60% of their population is below 30 years of age.  Here are some economic facts about Egypt :

  • 1st quarter FY17 slowdown in growth 3.4% 
  • severe short-ages in hard currency
  • overvalued ex-change rate 
  • GDP 3.9% in FY17
  • negatively affected by record high inflation rates.
Here is Robert Fisk on the latest  terrorist attack in Egypt and what the Egyptian Press is not allowed to report :
mosque massacre proves Isis taking over Sinai peninsula
targeting more and more of Sisi’s officers and police.  
“fall” of Sinai undermine Sisi’s claims to end “terrorism” in Egypt.

Sinai insurgency has taken lives of thousands 
including Christian minority, soldiers and police. 

increase in widespread Isis-linked action in Sinai 
Egypt is evidently next target. 

Isis has already “crossed the river”. 
not safe in Sinai – neither in Cairo.
  • media sealed off from covering Sinai war. 
  • casualties – far higher than claimed – largely unreported 
  • dismissed as “falsifications” by military. 
  • Sinai massacre bloodiest of ISIS war against Cairo. 
  • It will not be the last.
President Sisi facing serious questions to bring Isis under control
Civilians, security forces repeatedly targeted in recent years
Isis know Sisi increasingly unpopular in Egypt
promises of economic recovery proved false
Sisi government bolder in arresting, torturing political opponents
jailing 60,000 Egyptian political prisoners 
many of them young men sickened by Sisi’s  dictatorship 
undetermined number of murders and disappearances. 

My comments :  Egypt has 100 million half starved and "worse" sex starved people. This is a very dangerous situation in Egypt.  Over 30% of their young people are unemployed. Millions of unemployed young men cannot afford to get married because young women demand very high dowries.  They demand high dowries because Egyptian men may divorce them or marry second or third wives later. 
President el Sisi is turning out to be yet another dictator - although less insane than Morsi. 
The ISIS are taking over the Sinai Peninsula - a vast area of desert and rocky mountain terrain.  Like Afghanistan and Yemen it is the worst place for fighting an enemy that can simply  hide behind a rock.  
The ISIS boys are all home grown. Egypt has enough of its own nuts.  They are half starved, sex starved and without jobs.  This is a very potent combination.
My suggestion for Sisi is to set up a special fund. The "Marriage Fund".  
The price of one M1Abrams tank is over US$10 million.  
That is over 177 million Egyptian pounds. Or over RM42 million.
Assuming you need only RM10,000 to pay dowry for a new wife in Egypt, the price of just one M1Abrams tank can pay for more than 4,200 new wives.
There are hardly 10,000 ISIS fighters in Egypt, many of whom are unmarried.  Just two M1Abrams tanks worth of money or RM84 million can solve the ISIS problem in Egypt. Just get them a wife or a new wife. 
Ok another two more M1 tanks worth of money for honeymoon expenses thrown in.
Watch that space folks. 
Egypt is cooked. 
The whole Middle East is cooked.
Err . . . .   the  Satanic East.

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