
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 24, 2018


KOTA KINABALU – Parti Warisan Sabah will take legal action against Foreign Minister Anifah Aman after he allegedly made racial slurs against Warisan and its president Shafie Apdal recently.
Speaking to reporters after attending the Sabah Hope Centre Chinese New Year event here yesterday, Shafie confirmed Warisan will definitely bring Anifah to court once the party determines the amount of cost it will seek.
“How can people of that standing, being a foreign minister, a cabinet member openly say that I am a foreigner? It cannot be,” he said.
At least three police reports have been lodged by the party against Anifah over what it claimed were insinuations by the Kimanis MP that Warisan is a party of pirates out to claim their ancestral rights to the state.
Anifah’s speech was allegedly made at a recent event with the Chinese community from Kimanis at a hotel here prior to the Chinese New Year holiday.
In the recording of the speech purportedly made by Anifah, he is seen telling the group of people that Sabahans should choose only “genuine” Sabahans to become chief minister, a statement which Warisan understood to imply that Shafie is not considered a genuine Sabahan.
Expressing his frustration at how the issue has played out so far, Shafie however, said the whole fiasco was caused by Anifah anyway.
“They were the ones who started it, when it is clearly spelt out under the state constitution who are the natives of Sabah.
“Bajau is one of the races and I come from that ethnic group,” he said.
In January, Shafie had questioned why his political foes were making such a big deal about his race when past chief ministers with a similar background never had any problem.
Shafie, who is of Bajau descent and from Semporna in Sabah’s east coast, said he was tired of people playing race politics and using scare tactics by mocking Warisan’s party logo, which features a sailboat, as representing a pirate ship.
“I want to stress that Warisan is a multiracial party and it is open to all Sabahans. Some parties may say we need to label parties according to races. But I think, we have to cultivate the feelings of brotherhood and unity among the multiracial people.
“If we do not have too many attachments to our races, I believe we can solve lots of problems,” he said.
He further warned Barisan Nasional, particularly Umno, that a new tsunami is coming that could put an end to their rule in Sabah.
“Previously, we had PKR and DAP as multiracial parties but they are national-based. Now we have Warisan, which is represented by all races. I believe this new wave will replicate the Pakatan Harapan tsunami in the peninsula with added force in Sabah through Warisan,” he said.
Also present at the event were PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Sabah PH chairperson Christina Liew and representatives from Sabah DAP and Sabah Amanah.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum Wr,Wb.
    Saya dari Pak Adau Ronal bersyukur bahwa saya masih bisa di beri kesempatan untuk menulis dan berbagi kepada teman-teman melalui Situs/web ini,bahwa dulunya saya adalah seorang pengusaha dibidang matterial, dan sekarang saya terpaksa gulung tikar akibat di tipu teman sendiri,ditengah tagihan utang yang menumpuk,istri pun meninggalkan saya,ditengah himpitan ekonomi seperti ini saya coba buka internet untuk cari lowongan kerja,dan secara gak sengaja saya liat situs pesugihan MBAH KASURI, awalnya saya ragu dan gak percaya tapi setelah saya lihat pembuktian MBAH KASURI di Situs/webnya Saya pun langsug hubungi beliau dan Semua petunjuk MBAH saya ikuti dan hanya 3 jam beliau laksanakan pesugihan dana gaib untuk saya,Alhamdulilah Ternyata benar-benar terbukti dan dana 3 Miliar yang saya minta benar-benar ada di tangan saya, semua utang saya pada lunas dan sisanya buat modal usaha, kata-kata beliau yang selalu saya ingat setiap manusia bisa menjadi kaya, hanya saja terkadang mereka gak tau atau salah jalan.Banyak orang menganggap bahwa miskin dan kaya merupakan bagian dari takdir dari tuhan.maksudnya takdir macam apa? bahwa tuhan gak perna memberi takdir yang buruk terhadap kita,semua cobaan yang Tuhan berikan merupakan pembuktian bahwa seberapa kuat kita bertahan di dalamnya. Tuhan gak akan merubah nasib kita jika kita gak bisa berusaha untuk merubahnya.
    Dan satu hal yang perlu kita ingat,“Bahwa jika kita terlahir miskin itu bukan salah siapapun,namun jika kita mati miskin itu merupakan salah kita.”karena kita terlahir didunia ini di beri kesempatan untuk berusaha agar tetap jadi orang yang sukses.dan saran ini saya dapat dari beliau bermanfaat sekali bagi saya makasih ya MBAH atas semua saran anda MBAH sekali lagi saya sangat berterimakasih kepada MBAH KASURI dan bagi anda yang ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi MBAH KASURI di nomer ini
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    saya juga gak lupa mengucap syukur kepada ALLAH karena melalui MBAH KASURI saya Bisa sukses.Jadi teman-teman yang dalam kesusahan jangan pernah putus asah, kalau sudah waktunya tuhan pasti kasih jalan asal kita masih mau berusaha, MBAH KASURI Banyak Dikenal Oleh Kalangan Pejabat,Pengusaha Dan Artis Ternama Karna Beliau adalah guru spiritual terkenal di indonesia.


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